Even though there are many catechisms, most of them teach the same basic topics:
- God
- People
- Sin
- Ten Commandments
- Jesus Christ
- Repentance
- Justification
- Prayer
- Lord’s Supper
- Baptism
The order of the topics in different catechisms vary. I started this series with the Ten Commandments because I expected the answers would be similar in different catechisms, and well organized. Now that I’ve finished that section, I have to decide how I want to organize the rest of the series. To me, starting with God seems obvious, but most catechisms don’t start with Him. The list below shows the first question in each of the catechisms I’ve been referencing:
- A Puritan Catechism – What is the chief end of man?
- Baltimore Larger Catechism – Who made the world?
- Baptist Catechism – Who is the first and best of beings?
- Episcopal Catechism – What are we by nature?
- Geneva Catechism – What is the chief end of human life?
- Heidelberg Catechism – What is your only comfort in life and death?
- Luther’s Small Catechism – What is Christianity?
- Westminster Larger Catechism – What is the chief and highest end of man?
- Westminster Shorter Catechism – What is the chief end of man?
As you can see, most of these catechisms start with man. I still feel God should be at the beginning.
I did find some catechisms are loosely organized according to The Apostle’s Creed:
- I believe in God, the Father almighty,
- creator of heaven and earth.
- I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
- He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
- and born of the virgin Mary.
- He suffered under Pontius Pilate,
- was crucified, died, and was buried.
- He descended to the dead.
- On the third day he rose again.
- He ascended into heaven,
- and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
- He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
- I believe in the Holy Spirit,
- the holy catholic Church,
- the communion of the saints,
- the forgiveness of sins,
- the resurrection of the body,
- and the life everlasting. Amen.
I didn’t feel this order was quite what I’m looking for. There’s no direct reference of man, faith, repentance, grace, the church and some other topics that many catechisms address.
The list of topics at the beginning of this article are in somewhat chronological order: God existed before people; people existed before sin; the Ten Commandments are given to people because of sin; etc. My intent is to generally follow this same order, but I’m not sure how successful I’ll be. Some topics are closely related and perhaps should be grouped together, even though they’re chronologically separate: Jesus is part of God, but His birth, death and resurrection occur after man, sin, faith and grace.
I’m not sure how well organized the rest of this series on catechisms will be, but I have put some thought into it.
What are Catechisms? (44 articles)
- What are Catechisms? (1 of 44)
- What do Catechisms Teach? (2 of 44)
- What are the Ten Commandments? (3 of 44)
- Why Are The Ten Commandments Numbered Differently? (4 of 44)
- What is the First Commandment? (5 of 44)
- What is the Second Commandment? (6 of 44)
- What is the Third Commandment? (7 of 44)
- What is the Fourth Commandment? (8 of 44)
- What is the Fifth Commandment? (9 of 44)
- What is the Sixth Commandment? (10 of 44)
- What is the Seventh Commandment? (11 of 44)
- What is the Eighth Commandment? (12 of 44)
- What is the Ninth Commandment? (13 of 44)
- What is the Tenth Commandment? (14 of 44)
- Are People Able to Keep the Ten Commandments? (15 of 44)
- How are Catechisms Organized? (16 of 44)
- Who is God? (17 of 44)
- What is the Trinity? (18 of 44)
- Who is Jesus Christ? (19 of 44)
- Who is the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost)? (20 of 44)
- What is Creation? (21 of 44)
- What are Angels? (22 of 44)
- Who is Man? (23 of 44)
- What is Sin? (24 of 44)
- What are the Effects of Sin? (25 of 44)
- What is the Bible? (26 of 44)
- What Covenants did God make with People? (27 of 44)
- What is Faith? (28 of 44)
- What is Repentance? (29 of 44)
- What is Grace? (30 of 44)
- What is Redemption? (31 of 44)
- What is Righteousness? (32 of 44)
- What are Justification, Adoption and Sanctification? (33 of 44)
- Why did Jesus Suffer and Die? (34 of 44)
- What was Jesus’ Resurrection? (35 of 44)
- What is the Forgiveness of Sin? (36 of 44)
- What is the Church? (37 of 44)
- What is the Second Coming? (38 of 44)
- What is the Resurrection of Believers? (39 of 44)
- What is the Judgement of non-Christians? (40 of 44)
- What is Everlasting Life? (41 of 44)
- What is Prayer? (42 of 44)
- What is the Lord’s Prayer? Introduction (43 of 44)
- What is the Lord’s Prayer? Baptist Catechism (1677) (44 of 44)