What are the Beatitude Stained Glass Windows at Saint Meinrad Archabbey?

Saint Meinrad Archabbey

Last weekend I visited Saint Meinrad Archabbey, in Saint Meinrad, Indiana, for a long weekend to relax and get some work done on BibleQuestions.info. The church at the Archabbey has numerous stained glass windows, but there are eight windows I want to focus on, because they show examples of beatitudes. These eight stained glass windows were made by Francis X. Zettler in Munich, Germany, when the church was completed in...

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What is “Aunt Sally’s Secret Sauce”?

I've heard Greg Koukl from the Christian organization Stand to Reason use an analogy he calls "Aunt Sally's Secret Sauce" to show how the New Testament was likely transmitted in the early church.

  • Aunt Sally has a secret elixir to make herself look younger
  • Aunt Sally decides to share the recipe for the elixir with friends
  • Each friend shares the recipe for the elixir with their other...

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